Application Cibule runs on a web server. It does not download or save any programs or scripts to your computer.
To use it, you must enable cookies and JavaScript in your browser (i.e. the default setting for
most browsers). Cibule is not hypertext document, it is application and thus do not use
buttons BACK and FORWARD in your browser and do not open Cibule in multiple windows
or more tabs!
Cibule is located on a server that communicates with your computer via a secured
(encrypted) data transfer. Your browser indicates this fact in the header (e.g.
green site address bar, etc.) and this fact is also confirmed by https:// in the beginning of the server address.
Application Cibule is not an e-shop, it is available only for active EQA participants and access to it is controlled by SEKK.
After login, you can work with Cibule limited time (1 hour). After this time, the system will automatically log you out.
If necessary, you can immediately log in again.
Always log out after you finish working with the Cibule. Do not just go to another web page!
If you do not log out and leave running the browser, anyone can work in this browser
with the Cibule under your identity (they only need to go to the Cibule website).
Customer ⇒ participant ⇒ worker (user) A customer is the organization (economical subject) of which the participant is a part. One customer can have multiple participants
in the EQA system (e.g. a hospital has a number of laboratories and each of them is an EQA participant).
The customer is uniquely identified in the EQA system by the code assigned by SEKK. A participant is a specific workplace (laboratory) which performs EQA tests, sends results and receives an evaluation.
The participant is uniquely identified in the EQA system by the code assigned by SEKK. A worker is a specific person who has access to the app Cibule and is identified by a customer/participant code, login name, and password.
The worker is a user of the app Cibule.
Application Cibule implicitly creates for each participant the user spravce with
generic password assigned. You will receive the data necessary for the first login from SEKK.
You must change generic password to your own!
User spravce is authorised to create and delete other users.