Security and data protection
Safety precautions
In Cibule there are built in certain safety features significantly enhancing the level of security of the application on one hand,
and slightly decreasing user comfort on the other hand. These are in particular:
- Connections between a user and the server, where Cibule is running, is encrypted (https).
Your browser indicates this fact in the header area (example shown below - see red ovals):
Please always make sure that the address of the Cibule server begins: https://www...
Encrypted connection generates a bit higher load on both the server and the user computer, because all transmitted data
must be encrypted before sending and decrypted after receiving (on both sides). This may cause
a slight slowdown in application responses to the user requests.
- Passwords of the users are not stored in the Cibule and therefore cannot be restored (e.g. lost password
cannot be sent via e-mail) - thus forgotten password is irrevocably lost.
If the user spravce forgets the password, we can only restore his generic password. If the user
spravce added for his laboratory new users to the list of users, he can change
their passwords - so if a user forgets the password, local spravce can easily solve this situation
in the Setup menu and there is no need to contact the SEKK.
- Cibule generates unique access codes for each window. Therefore it is not possible
to control it (resp. to move in it) using the BACK and FORWARD buttons of the web browser
and you cannot run Cibule in one browser multiple times (e.g. in multiple tabs
or multiple windows of one browser). Such an attempt ends with the message The requested page is no longer valid!
For the same reason it is not possible in the Cibule to select individual actions (e.g. the menu items) using double-click
- click the links in the Cibule always only once.
Cibule does not support two-factor authorisation and the use of a smart card (for user identification).
Data protection
Individual data that you enter into the Cibule are accessible only to the employees of the provider. This relates not only to the test results
but also to the individual data of participants (laboratories) and users.
Cibule records the time of login and logout of each user and if you edit some data, then it is recorded
when and who edited it.